Sunday, May 20, 2012

French Onion soup

On our last trip to Publix a large 5lb bag of vidalia onions were on sale. The price was a much better deal than me buying just the one. I figured it's been long enough since I've wanted to make my own french onion soup (one because it's delicious, two because the B&B we went to tried to pass off onion water as soup). I just really wanted to make a soup that would make me say Boooyah!!! Mine is better... I know, it's shameful, but it's ok, in the end we all win.

I found my recipe here

Here is what I used to make mine:

7 sweet onions, sliced super thin, about 1/8 inch (I took out the ruler to measure)
3 tbs of butter (I didn't have enough unsalted)
1/4 tsp of pepper
3/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of white wine
1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
1 clove of garlic, grated
1/4 cup of sherry
1 cup of beef stock
6 cups of chicken stock ( In total there should 7 cups)
2-3 bay leaves
~1 tbps of thyme

One. Preheat your oven to 400F. Using a large dutch oven for this recipe, grease the inside of your pot, I used butter.

Two. Cut your onions into thin slices. Place in your large dutch oven, sprinkle with pepper, and add butter to your mix. Top your top with your lid and place into the oven for 1hr.

Three. Take your pot out and stir your onions, they should have cooked down about halfway. Crack your lid to let steam out and place your pot back into the oven for 1hr.

Four. Take your pot out and once again stir your onions, place back in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes.

Five. Your onions should a nice golden brown at this point. Place your pot on the stove top, using about 1/4 cup of your water, scrape up the bottom of the pot. Once the water is evaporated cook off another 1/4 cup, repeat again.

I'll finish up the recipe later this week. It was delicious and the tiny toast with Gruyere is really the best!

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